
About Me
Financial Help Is On The Way

Hi there, I'm Frankie Clayton. If you have come to my blog, you are likely feeling stuck financially. Life seems to demand that we spread so much money around, especially when health expenses are involved. For example, it can be devastating if you suddenly discover that you need a root canal to save a molar, and yet you do not have the money to pay for it. I have been in situations like these and I have discovered that there is usually some way to receive treatment for a much lower cost. For example, there are professionals who perform work as a form of charity. But because there is a lack of information on these services, I decided to create this blog to help out.


Important Things To Keep In Mind When Applying For A Payday Advance

20 June 2017
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

A payday advance is actually a loan that is issued for short-term. Payday advances are beneficial for those times when you are experiencing financial difficulties, but need money for an emergency, such as paying the power bill to avoid disconnection. In many situations, the interest charged for payday advances are less than what you may have to pay in late fees and overdraft fees at your bank. However, there are some things you should keep in mind when applying for payday advances. Read More …